all videos THURSDAY 06 JUNE 2019
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
all videos FRIDAY 07 JUNE 2019
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
International Conference
Rome, 6-7 June 2019
9.00 – 9.30: On spot registrations and distribution of conference material
9.30: Institutional greetings
Mirella Serlorenzi, Museo Nazionale Romano, sedi di Palazzo Massimo e Crypta Balbi
Silvia Licoccia, Delegato alla Ricerca – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Emore Paoli, Direttore Dipartimento ALEF – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Federico Ruggieri, Direttore Rete GARR
10.00: Introduction, Welcome Note and Conference Inauguration
Donatella Gavrilovich, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
10.05 – 10.25: Refreshments Break
Eva Mendez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, YERUN, OSPP (SPAGNA)
Open Science @EUOSPP: a journey from declaration to implementation
First Session
11.00 – 13.15
Chair: Eva Mendez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, YERUN, OSPP (SPAGNA)
Mirella Serlorenzi, Museo Nazionale Romano, sedi di Palazzo Massimo e Crypta Balbi
Sitar e open Data. Per una democrazia della conoscenza archeologica di Roma.
Carla Montesano, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Open data and open access as an opportunity in bioscience research: the contribution of H2020 STARBIOS2 project
Fabio Ciotti, AIUCD – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Open Science, Digital Humanities e il problema della valutazione della ricerca digitale
Corrado Cerruti e Paola Coppola, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Tor Vergata’s Roadmap to Open Science
Questions &Answers
13.15-14.15: Light Lunch Break
Second Session
15.30 –17.30
Chair: Aleksandr Chepurov,St. Petersburg State Theatre Academy
Tamara Burlakova, Digital Archive “A.A. Bakhrushin” State Central Theatre Museum, Moscow
National Portal “Theatre Museums of Russia as a Form of Open Access to the Russian Theatre Heritage
Elena Servito,Archivio Fondazione INDA (Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico), Siracusa
AFI Archivio Fondazione INDA: da patrimonio archivistico ad archivio di interesse storico particolarmente importante. Azioni di tutela
Maria Teresa Pizza, Musalab “Archivio Dario Fo-Franca Rame”, Archivio Storico di Verona
Sulla memoria teatrale. Il patrimonio integrato Franca Rame Dario Fo al Musalab
17.00 – 17.10: Refreshments Break
Third Session
Chair: Riku Roihankorpi, University of Tampere
Aurélie Mouton-Rezzouk, Institut de Recherche en Études Théâtrales, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3
Heritage and/or Communication. Archives and History Issues on Theatres’ Websites
Amy Growcott, University of Roehampton, London
The Marius Petipa Society –an online museum foar Marius Petipa
Questions &Answers
9.00 – 9.30: On spot registrations
Fourth Session
9.30 -10.00
Chair: Beat Estermann, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Riku Roihankorpi, University of Tampere
Sustainability, the Live Arts, and Learning: Hybrid Performance as A Digital Asset of Theatre Training and Research
Matthew Delbridge, University of Melbourne, Victorian College of the Arts
Commentary on Riku Roihankorpi’s paper ‘Sustainability, the Live Arts, and Learning’
(via Skype)
Alex Barchiesi,Consortium GARR
C-theatre, geo-distributed performances at lightspeed
11.00 – 11.15: Refreshments Break
Fifth Session
11.15 –13.00
Chair: Emauele Bellini, Center of Cyber-Physical Systems – Khalifa Univ.(UAE) and Mathema S.r.l.(Italy)
Aleksandr Chepurov,St. Petersburg State Theatre Academy
The ways of documental/digital reconstruction of historical scenic text
Maria Grazia Berlangieri, “Sapienza” Università di Roma
Sources, data, metadata: theatrical documents and digital remediation
Donatella Gavrilovich, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Open Data for an International Performance Knowledge base (PKb) and a univocal code for the traceability of theatrical assets (ASPA Code)
Questions &Answers
13.00 – 14.30: Light Lunch Break
Sixth Session
14.30 – 16.30
Chair: Alex Barchiesi, Consortium GARR
Beat Estermann, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Bootstrapping the International Knowledge Base for the Performing Arts: Key Stakeholders and Usage Scenarios
Birk Weiberg, Foundation SAPA, Swiss Archive of Performing Arts
Modeling Performing Arts: On the Representations of Agencies
Julia Beck, Specialised Information Service Performing Arts, Frankfurt University Library
Aggregating Performing Arts: Representing different Collections
Emanuele Bellini, Center of Cyber-Physical Systems – Khalifa University (UAE) and Mathema S.r.l. (Italy)
“In Open Science We Trust”: Persistent Identifiers (Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale) and blockchains
Questions &Answers
16.45 – 17.00: Refreshments Break
Simone Bessi, Sartoria cineteatrale Annamode costumes e Fondazione Annamode
Silvia Cabasino, Attività Culturali e Internazionali & Centro Studi e Documentazione del Teatro di Roma
Valeria Gaveglia, Stageur presso Associazione Teatro di Roma
17.00 -18.30
During the Workshop all the scholars who attend the conference are given the opportunity to interact with the experts in the field of entertainment, performance industry and Made in Italy and to propose the application of their methods to facilitate the collection and sharing of data. The aim of the final debate is to discuss possible solutions to the problems raised, identifying new strategies and synergies of interdisciplinary and transnational collaboration to be implemented in the future. The debate will focus also on the training of young people in theatrical professions, on the productivity and employment opportunities in the craft sectors and in the field of computer graphics for multimedia creations.
The following experts will be present at the debate:
Simone Bessi, Sartoria cineteatrale Annamode costumes e Fondazione Annamode
Silvia Cabasino, Attività Culturali e Internazionali & Centro Studi e Documentazione del Teatro di Roma
Valeria Gaveglia, Stageur presso Associazione Teatro di Roma
Scientific Committee
Donatella Gavrilovich (Coordinator)
Corrado Cerruti
Paola Coppola
Carla Montesano
Mirella Serlorenzi
Organization Committee
Donatella Gavrilovich (Coordinator)
Paola Coppola
Damiano Orrù
